C55 Dingle Bay to Galway Bay

C55 Dingle Bay to Galway Bay

On this edition revised depths are shown throughout, in particular at Cashla Bay, Galway Bay, Kilronan, around Fenit Island and at Dingle Bay. Completed harbour developments at Kilronan are also shown.



C55 Dingle Bay to Galway Bay

Plans included:

Cashla Bay (1:30 000)
Galway Bay (1:40 000)
Galway Harbour (1:15 000)
Kilronan (Aran Is.) (1:45 000)
River Shannon to Limerick (1:110 000)
Kilrush (1:30 000)
Foynes Harbour (1:17 500)
Fenit Island (1:35 000)
Dingle Harbour (1:25 000)

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